Nearly all images were taken from my backyard with my telescopes atop a permanent pier.
After cropping, my newer images have been resized down to 3000 pixels along the long edge.
Hint: after the image opens, some browsers will force the image to fit within the existing window size.
Clicking on the image will reveal its full size
| Rosette nebula (aka NGC 2244), AP Stowaway with flattener (644mm/F7), 3000 pixels wide.
Taken at the Chiricuhua Astronomy Complex in Pearce AZ |
| Ghost of Cassiopaeia (aka IC63), TEC180 with flattener, 3000 pixels wide. 2 nights
of imaging. |
| Wizard nebula (aka SH 2-142, TEC180 with flattener, 3000 pixels wide. |
| Center of Pacman nebula (aka NGC 281), TEC180 with flattener, 3000 pixels wide |
| Bubble nebula (aka NGC 7635), TEC180 with flattener, 3000 pixels wide. |
| Center of Heart nebula (aka IC 1805), TEC180 with flattener, 3000 pixels wide |
| Monkey Head nebula (aka NGC2175), TEC140 with 0.9x reducer (882mm/F6.3), 3000 pixels wide. |
| Soul nebula (aka IC 1848), Tak FSQ106-EDX4 with 0.72x reducer (381mm/F3.6), 3000 pixels wide |
| Butterfly nebula (IC-1318B), Tak FSQ106-EDX4 with 0.72x reducer (381mm/F3.6), 3000 pixels wide. |
| Top of Cygnus loop (aka SH 2-103), Tak FSQ106-EDX4 with 0.72x reducer (381mm/F3.6), 3100 pixels wide |
| Lobster Claw nebula (SH 2-157), TEC140 with 0.72x reducer (705mm/F5), 3000 pixels wide. |
| North American nebula (NGC 7000), TEC140 with 0.72x reducer (705mm/F5), 2400 pixels wide |