Nearly all images were taken from my backyard with my telescopes atop a permanent pier. After cropping, my newer images have been resized down to 3000 pixels along the long edge.

Hint: after the image opens, some browsers will force the image to fit within the existing window size. Clicking on the image will reveal its full size

Rosette nebula (aka NGC 2244), AP Stowaway with flattener (644mm/F7), 3000 pixels wide. Taken at the Chiricuhua Astronomy Complex in Pearce AZ Ghost of Cassiopaeia (aka IC63), TEC180 with flattener, 3000 pixels wide. 2 nights of imaging.
Wizard nebula (aka SH 2-142, TEC180 with flattener, 3000 pixels wide. Center of Pacman nebula (aka NGC 281), TEC180 with flattener, 3000 pixels wide
Bubble nebula (aka NGC 7635), TEC180 with flattener, 3000 pixels wide. Center of Heart nebula (aka IC 1805), TEC180 with flattener, 3000 pixels wide
Monkey Head nebula (aka NGC2175), TEC140 with 0.9x reducer (882mm/F6.3), 3000 pixels wide. Soul nebula (aka IC 1848), Tak FSQ106-EDX4 with 0.72x reducer (381mm/F3.6), 3000 pixels wide
Butterfly nebula (IC-1318B), Tak FSQ106-EDX4 with 0.72x reducer (381mm/F3.6), 3000 pixels wide. Top of Cygnus loop (aka SH 2-103), Tak FSQ106-EDX4 with 0.72x reducer (381mm/F3.6), 3100 pixels wide
Lobster Claw nebula (SH 2-157), TEC140 with 0.72x reducer (705mm/F5), 3000 pixels wide. North American nebula (NGC 7000), TEC140 with 0.72x reducer (705mm/F5), 2400 pixels wide